Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Go Cubs Go

So between the two of us, Lloyd and I have been Cubs fans since...oh, let's just say longer than dirt. So this has been quite a ride this year, with the ultimate culmination of the Cubs winning the World Series. Still can't believe I'm typing those words!

Since he's been a little puppy, Dieter's been raised a Cubs fan. I don't think he follows the game quite like we do, but he's learned that when his humans leap up and holler "woo hoo" it's a good thing. So he runs over and leaps around with us. Maybe he's like my friend Asha, who blithely admits to being sports challenged.

For the playoffs, I bought Dieter a Cubs bandana. I always wear my lucky Cubs shirt(s) and figured it couldn't hurt to have a lucky bandana. I don't think Dieter quite grasped the gravitas of the situation, but he gamely wore the bandana. I think he did notice that his humans were much more nervous, worried, angst-ridden, (fill in the blank with words reflecting abject worry and upset). His dad seemed to be cursing more than usual. And stomping off while muttering it was all too much for him to watch. And mom? Well, she was crying quite a bit during ballgames, and that was a bit out of the ordinary. Oh, and she was channel switching a lot when the other team was batting.
Luckily the planets were in alignment and when the Cubs actually won the World Series (sorry, time out to breathe into a paper bag...still makes me hyperventilate just thinking about it!), the humans and Dieter stood in the middle of the family room and jumped for joy. He stands on his hind legs and we all hop around. We could almost be mistaken for the Three Graces, we're that picturesque and all.

A few weeks after the series was "history," I started singing "Go, Cubs, Go"--just because I could!--and Dieter came running over and acted all excited. So he knows that song. That makes him both a Cubs fan and a Steve Goodman fan, since Steve's the one who penned the song. 

Now we're all recuperating from the wild Post Season. Dieter's bandana is put away, but we might break it out for Spring Training. Pitchers and catchers report February 14!

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