Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Plumber's Helper

I'm terribly behind on posting events in Dieter's life. One could assume that as he has matured, he is doing less dastardly deeds. Not so! Although he's pacing himself a bit more. It makes it all the more memorable when he comes up with some new thing to entertain us with.

A while back, we had new countertops installed along with a new sink. The installers put in the sink, but reconnecting the garbage disposal and dishwasher was up to us.

"Piece of cake," said Lloyd. I can't remember how many trips back and forth to the hardware store there were, but there were plenty. And there were some choice words.

And of course friend Dieter wanted to help. I think Dieter wants to be a contributing member of society and learning a trade--like plumbing--would get him to that goal. One of us pointed out that as a fluffy, furry dog, he didn't have plumber's crack, which would probably preclude him from entering the plumbing profession. He checked out his human dad and was shocked to learn he didn't have plumber's crack either. Such is life.

Following is a little montage of the whole plumbing event.

Ai halps
Ai sniffs

Ai is sad that I is not halping more
Ai inspects da screwdrivers

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