Sunday, April 29, 2018

What's a Texas?

Dieter has 2 dog friends from Texas--Ranger and Travis Jackson. He's never met them face to face, but they all know about each other. I'll tell Dieter "Ranger from Texas sends his regards." And then Dieter will say "What's a Texas?" He's a very smart dog, but isn't so good on geography. Frankly, I don't know if Ranger or Travis Jackson know what an Illinois is,either. Maybe all dogs are geography challenged.

At Christmas, the Texas crew sent Dieter his very own Fort Worth bandanna. I'm told the mayor of

Fort Worth saw the picture of Dieter sporting her city's bandanna and was much impressed. No contracts have been forthcoming asking him to be the canine face of Fort Worth though. Dieter would make a noble mascot. But perhaps it would be too controversial what with an Illinois dog taking all the glory.

When I showed Dieter his bandanna gift, the first thing he did was grab it out of my hand and made a tooth mark in it. No worries, we just folded the bandanna so you couldn't see it. His poor manners spilled over when I tried to show him the note the Texas dogs sent him. The video is attached here, but basically, he swiped the note and attempted to eat it.

He does love paper, so to him it was just something to chew up. Gift-receiving etiquette is still a work in progress.

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