Thursday, July 28, 2016

Home improvement hound

We decided we'd lived with the ugly white tile counters long enough. The grout was impossible to keep clean and of course the previous owner had done it on the cheap. Wood molding instead of a back splash and wood trim on the edges. Naturally Dieter had managed to pull those loose.

Chief screwdriver inspector
So we ordered granite, but to save a little money, we did the old counter demo-ing ourselves. Dieter was sent to his house during the demo since sawzalls, sledge hammers, and prybars are not compatible with safety for helpful dogs. When we got the old counters off, there between the dishwasher and the rest of the counters--and completely enclosed...or so we thought...was one of Dieter's Kong Squeez Sticks. How did it get there? Is Dieter a magician?

Ai halps.
As it turned out, Dieter isn't a magician. He discovered (and didn't think to tell me) that there's a gap by the floor by the dishwasher. I had noticed him being all interested in the rug I have there, and that's why: he was burrowing to China (or at least into the depths of the cabinetry) to retrieve his toy.

Finally the counters were installed. And again to save money, Lloyd said he'd do the plumbing--reconnecting the disposal and dishwasher. He was reading the instructions quite studiously, but there was much muttering coming from under the sink. And of course helpful Dieter wanted to help with the plumbing.

"I'll inspect that screwdriver for you, dad. And that hose. And generally just lend moral support," said Dieter. I told Lloyd that I thought Dieter wanted to become a plumber. Hey, they make good money, and maybe he was thinking of the time I told him I was taking money out of his allowance for when he chewed up my glasses. And Lloyd's glasses.

No butt crack here.
Sad ai cants be a plumber.
While he was gung ho on being a plumbing dog, Dieter was sad to learn he doesn't have plumber's crack. I didn't have the heart to tell him he never would, what with all that fur and fluffy tail. Oh and because he doesn't ever wear pants. Still, he kept referring to his human's attire for plumber's crack guidance, but was shocked to learn Lloyd didn't have one either. I've had it on good authority: no crack, no job.
New counters. Ta da!
The leaking and bad language emitting from under the sink continued for a while. I was just about to the point of taking Dieter outside so his young ears didn't hear such words. But finally success broke out and we are back in the water-running, garbage-grinding, and dish-washing business.

Now to plug up that hole by the dishwasher
so no more dog toys go AWOL. 

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