Thursday, July 28, 2016

Slip up

I had a brain cramp this morning. I forgot that I had left the gate between the kitchen and dining room open. I'm still sorting through all the stuff we carted out of the kitchen and returning them to their proper places.

I had let  Dieter out while I did this, and I absent-mindedly left the gate open and went to let Dieter in. For good measure I did a little birdseed feeder refill and came back in.

Ruh roh, There's the wide-open gate, but where where is the dog?

Mimsy and her yummy food--before she decided
to live inside with us
Aha, I heard crunching sounds. He had consumed all the cat food, both wet and dry. He knows the tasty stuff is in the dining room and doesn't dilly dally when his humans forget to close the gate. Later a cat tip-toed in and looked with great sadness on the empty bowls. I refilled their dry food bowl, so they won't starve.

One cay I caught Dieter red handed (red pawed?) in catfood-snarfing mode, and not to be deprived, he tried to run away with a mouthful of dry kibble. He spit it out on the floor and looked all happy at his haul.

This got me to thinking: why do dogs prefer cat food over their own? My friend's old GSD always tried to sneak a taste of my cats' food when he came to visit. But his unreasonable mom would always put the bowls up out of reach. Harrumph.

Here's what I learned doing a little research:
Pa-tooey. Health food for dogs.

According to Vetstreet, Cats are obligate carnivores (meat needs to be their main food source) and dogs are omnivores (they need a diet with more fiber than they'd get in a carnivorous diet). Also, cat foods are higher in protein--26 percent compared with 18 percent for dog food.

Cat food also contains higher amounts of fat. Association of American Feed Control Officials recommends that dog food contain 5 percent fat and that cat foods contain 9 percent fat. Too much protein and fat translates into more calories, and a portly pup is a very real possibility. We don't want that. The vet has always commented that Dieter is a perfect weight--he has a waist and looks great.

Here's another bad thing about dogs swiping cat food. Fatty foods can also cause tummy upsets in dogs.

Good thing I'm working at home today because I foresee the need for multiple trips outside.

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