Friday, July 29, 2016

Wild, wild midwest

First of all, I guess I don't catch on very fast. I did it again.

Dieter and I went outside for a little break--he had a potty break and I refilled bird feeders and did a little weeding.

After we came back in, I went upstairs to do some more work but soon heard his "pay attention" bark. I figured someone had left a package at the front door, but just to be sure I went down to check. Nope. There he was by the cat pass through door that leads to the basement, barking.

Cat pass through image from wikiHow, a
wiki that is building the world's
largest and highest quality
how-to manual.
In addition to the barking, Dieter was trying to stick his head through the pass through. From the other side of the door I heard hissing. What fun, a door that talks back! He's lucky he didn't get his nose pierced by the angry cat.

Some cat (I think it was Rory, as later in the day I ran into his mom, Mimsy, in the upstairs hall) had decided it was safe to venture into Dieterland, and I could tell this was devolving into a showdown at the cat pass through.

I know the cats resent the fact that they can't go into Dieterland. Well, they could, but they choose not to.He's just too big and bouncy for them. And that pointy nose and sharp teeth--eek. These cats started life as ferals, so I'm sure they have a healthy respect for what they view as top-line predators.

What's on cat TV today?
In the good old days (that would be pre-dog in their estimation), they'd sit by the sliding door to the deck and watch chipmunks. I referred to it as cat TV--they'd all be lined up, watching the scurrying chippies, and their heads would bob back and forth like they were watching a tennis match.

I knew no sane cat would come through the pass through as long as Barky McBark was playing the role of High Sheriff, so I send the dog back outside and try to coax the cat up. I did a search and "here kitty, kitty-ed" but the cat was well hidden in the basement.

Fine. I'll just do a little cleaning and straightening upstairs and maybe the cat will emerge. Again, nope. So I employed the Electric Cat Caller--aka can opener--clanged a spoon on a cat food can, and deployed more tasty cat food.  

Alas, just invisible cats, so I let the dog back in and...wait for it...he darts through the gate I left open and started snarfing up cat food. 

I've learned from earlier Dieter escapes--he's almost impossible to catch. He's faster and stronger than I am. So today I corralled the dog by fashioning a lasso out of his leash. I tried to lasso him as he darted by me as raced down the stairs (according to the "Dog Rules Both Ancient and Just" one must make a quick foray upstairs--just to inspect and maybe find a cat to startle). I flung the lasso, but totally missed--nobody's going to be saying "good shootin', Tex to me! I did finally got the lasso around his neck as he was on round two of cat-bowl-cleanup.

I'm still not sure if the cat has emerged from the basement. I'm hoping that when Dieter was napping,  the cat can make an escape.

And to put a positive spin on it: I'm sure I got a good cardio workout wrasslin' and wranglin' the dog. 

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