Monday, January 16, 2017

Mind Meld Dog

I've got to hand it to Dieter, he's good. Very good. I truly believe he's perfected the Vulcan Mind Meld. The Interwebs define it as: a telepathic link between two individuals, allowing for the exchange of thoughts, thus in essence allowing the participants to become one mind. 

No, honest. Dieter can do that. 

You will give me snacks. Now. Do it!
Drooling to commence shortly.
It usually involves food--me eating some and him wanting to eat what I'm eating. He sits in front of me and gets a very solemn, even stern, look on his face. And he stares right at me. I try to ignore him and tell him it's not gonna work. 

But then he ups the ante. He starts a controlled drool. Nothing nasty and waterfall-y. Just one thin little drool spittle. All the while staring at me with those sad, brown eyes and sending out telepathic dog communication. 

"You will give the dog some of that Swiss cheese. The dog needs the Swiss cheese. Why are you taking so long, human? Can't you see the dog needs the Swiss cheese? Heartless. That's what you are!"

It always works. I cave to the mind meld messages and I tear off a couple little pieces of the tasty item he's craving (usually cheese). He then happily snarfs them down. 

Mind meld over. I am finally free from the canine Svengali. Until the next snack attack hits me. 

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