Monday, January 16, 2017

Dog Names

One of my Facebook friends is a Weimeraner owner. Has had many in her lifetime and currently has 3. She issued a Facebook challenge thusly:

Dog name challenge: Post a picture that represents your dog's name. Here are my girls. Her dogs are Mouse, Olivia, and Tootles (one of the Lost Boys in Peter Pan), so she posted this picture.

Ok, Fun! So a lot of people started posting pictures to represent their dogs. There was a picture of a poppy plant for a dog named: of course, Poppy. Geoffrey Chaucer for a dog named Chaucer.

You get the concept.

So for Dieter, here's what I said and posted. We ended up with some fun comments.

Me: Not the source of the name inspiration, but all I could come up with!


FB Friend #1: Is that Jim Parsons: If so, in what?
FB Friend #2:  Dieter?
FB Friend #1: Yeah! How did you know?

FB Friend #2:  Old SNL character by Mike Meyers.

FB Friend #1: Oh, that explains why I didn't recognize it.

Me: Yes Dieter from SNL. "Now is ze time on Sprockets when ve dance...".

FB Friend #2: I don't want to touch his monkey!
Me:  But we picked the name Dieter because it means warrior/protector of the people

Me: He would bite you if you messed with his Monkey!
Yeah, the old Mike Meyers sketch was pretty funny. For SNL at least. But Dieter the dog has a much more meaningful name than some silly comedy sketch. 

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