Saturday, February 11, 2017

Jive Talkin'?

Dieter has started to become more vocal (and I'm not including his late-night yodeling sessions when a raccoon shows up on the deck and he has to alert us of that). No, this is becoming more of a chattyness. He's trying to engage us in a conversation. Only problem is, I'm still not fluent in dog.

I posted the following video on Facebook and asked my friends what they thought he was saying. The suggestions are as follows:

  • I heard hello and I love you.
  • Sounds like chocolate to me. Or White Sox (it had better not be the latter!). 
  • Warning, humans. Martians are landing! Evacuate!"
  • Bacon Gone! 

One friend said she thought he was clearly wanting something, but didn't know what. I figure he just wanted me to keep throwing his baby into the kitchen so he could play fetch. 

Finally, the breeder where we got him said:  "One of his sisters by a different litter talks like that and so did his great, great, great grandfather. They don't all do it. You're just lucky I guess."

So what do you think he's saying?

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